人工神经网络(ANN)能够学习,纠正错误和将大量原始数据转化为治疗和护理的有用医疗决策,这增加了增强患者安全和护理质量的普及。因此,本文审查了ANN的关键作用为患者医疗保健决策提供有价值的见解和有效的疾病诊断。我们彻底审查了现有文献中的不同类型的ANN,以便为复杂应用程序进行高级ANNS适配。此外,我们还调查Ann的各种疾病诊断和治疗的进步,例如病毒,皮肤,癌症和Covid-19。此外,我们提出了一种名为ConxNet的新型深度卷积神经网络(CNN)模型,用于提高Covid-19疾病的检测准确性。 ConxNet经过培训并使用不同的数据集进行测试,它达到了超过97%的检测精度和精度,这明显优于现有型号。最后,我们突出了未来的研究方向和挑战,例如算法的复杂性,可用数据,隐私和安全性,以及与ANN的生物传染集成。这些研究方向需要大幅关注改善医疗诊断和治疗应用的ANN的范围。
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面部及其表达是数字图像的有效科目之一。检测图像的情绪是计算机视野领域的古代任务;然而,从图像进行反向合成的面部表达式 - 是非常新的。使用不同面部表情的再生图像的这种操作,或者改变图像中的现有表达需要生成的对抗网络(GaN)。在本文中,我们的目标是使用GaN改变图像中的面部表情,其中具有初始表达式(即,快乐)的输入图像被改变为同一个人的不同表达式(即,厌恶)。我们在Mug数据集的修改版本上使用了Stargn技术来完成此目标。此外,我们通过在从给定文本中的情感指示的图像中重塑面部表情进一步扩展我们的工作。因此,我们应用了一个长期的短期内存(LSTM)方法来从文本中提取情绪并将其转发给我们的表达式更改模块。作为我们的工作管道的演示,我们还创建了一个博客的应用程序原型,该博客将根据用户的文本情绪与不同的表达式重新生成配置文件图片。
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We present a novel image inversion framework and a training pipeline to achieve high-fidelity image inversion with high-quality attribute editing. Inverting real images into StyleGAN's latent space is an extensively studied problem, yet the trade-off between the image reconstruction fidelity and image editing quality remains an open challenge. The low-rate latent spaces are limited in their expressiveness power for high-fidelity reconstruction. On the other hand, high-rate latent spaces result in degradation in editing quality. In this work, to achieve high-fidelity inversion, we learn residual features in higher latent codes that lower latent codes were not able to encode. This enables preserving image details in reconstruction. To achieve high-quality editing, we learn how to transform the residual features for adapting to manipulations in latent codes. We train the framework to extract residual features and transform them via a novel architecture pipeline and cycle consistency losses. We run extensive experiments and compare our method with state-of-the-art inversion methods. Qualitative metrics and visual comparisons show significant improvements. Code: https://github.com/hamzapehlivan/StyleRes
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Pretrained language models (PLMs) often fail to fairly represent target users from certain world regions because of the under-representation of those regions in training datasets. With recent PLMs trained on enormous data sources, quantifying their potential biases is difficult, due to their black-box nature and the sheer scale of the data sources. In this work, we devise an approach to study the geographic bias (and knowledge) present in PLMs, proposing a Geographic-Representation Probing Framework adopting a self-conditioning method coupled with entity-country mappings. Our findings suggest PLMs' representations map surprisingly well to the physical world in terms of country-to-country associations, but this knowledge is unequally shared across languages. Last, we explain how large PLMs despite exhibiting notions of geographical proximity, over-amplify geopolitical favouritism at inference time.
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Reliable forecasting of traffic flow requires efficient modeling of traffic data. Different correlations and influences arise in a dynamic traffic network, making modeling a complicated task. Existing literature has proposed many different methods to capture the complex underlying spatial-temporal relations of traffic networks. However, methods still struggle to capture different local and global dependencies of long-range nature. Also, as more and more sophisticated methods are being proposed, models are increasingly becoming memory-heavy and, thus, unsuitable for low-powered devices. In this paper, we focus on solving these problems by proposing a novel deep learning framework - STLGRU. Specifically, our proposed STLGRU can effectively capture both local and global spatial-temporal relations of a traffic network using memory-augmented attention and gating mechanism. Instead of employing separate temporal and spatial components, we show that our memory module and gated unit can learn the spatial-temporal dependencies successfully, allowing for reduced memory usage with fewer parameters. We extensively experiment on several real-world traffic prediction datasets to show that our model performs better than existing methods while the memory footprint remains lower. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/Kishor-Bhaumik/STLGRU}.
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Conventional methods for human motion synthesis are either deterministic or struggle with the trade-off between motion diversity and motion quality. In response to these limitations, we introduce MoFusion, i.e., a new denoising-diffusion-based framework for high-quality conditional human motion synthesis that can generate long, temporally plausible, and semantically accurate motions based on a range of conditioning contexts (such as music and text). We also present ways to introduce well-known kinematic losses for motion plausibility within the motion diffusion framework through our scheduled weighting strategy. The learned latent space can be used for several interactive motion editing applications -- like inbetweening, seed conditioning, and text-based editing -- thus, providing crucial abilities for virtual character animation and robotics. Through comprehensive quantitative evaluations and a perceptual user study, we demonstrate the effectiveness of MoFusion compared to the state of the art on established benchmarks in the literature. We urge the reader to watch our supplementary video and visit https://vcai.mpi-inf.mpg.de/projects/MoFusion.
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Most camera lens systems are designed in isolation, separately from downstream computer vision methods. Recently, joint optimization approaches that design lenses alongside other components of the image acquisition and processing pipeline -- notably, downstream neural networks -- have achieved improved imaging quality or better performance on vision tasks. However, these existing methods optimize only a subset of lens parameters and cannot optimize glass materials given their categorical nature. In this work, we develop a differentiable spherical lens simulation model that accurately captures geometrical aberrations. We propose an optimization strategy to address the challenges of lens design -- notorious for non-convex loss function landscapes and many manufacturing constraints -- that are exacerbated in joint optimization tasks. Specifically, we introduce quantized continuous glass variables to facilitate the optimization and selection of glass materials in an end-to-end design context, and couple this with carefully designed constraints to support manufacturability. In automotive object detection, we show improved detection performance over existing designs even when simplifying designs to two- or three-element lenses, despite significantly degrading the image quality. Code and optical designs will be made publicly available.
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Dynamic neural networks (DyNNs) have become viable techniques to enable intelligence on resource-constrained edge devices while maintaining computational efficiency. In many cases, the implementation of DyNNs can be sub-optimal due to its underlying backbone architecture being developed at the design stage independent of both: (i) the dynamic computing features, e.g. early exiting, and (ii) the resource efficiency features of the underlying hardware, e.g., dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS). Addressing this, we present HADAS, a novel Hardware-Aware Dynamic Neural Architecture Search framework that realizes DyNN architectures whose backbone, early exiting features, and DVFS settings have been jointly optimized to maximize performance and resource efficiency. Our experiments using the CIFAR-100 dataset and a diverse set of edge computing platforms have seen HADAS dynamic models achieve up to 57% energy efficiency gains compared to the conventional dynamic ones while maintaining the desired level of accuracy scores. Our code is available at https://github.com/HalimaBouzidi/HADAS
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One of the main problems in applying deep learning techniques to recognize activities of daily living (ADLs) based on inertial sensors is the lack of appropriately large labelled datasets to train deep learning-based models. A large amount of data would be available due to the wide spread of mobile devices equipped with inertial sensors that can collect data to recognize human activities. Unfortunately, this data is not labelled. The paper proposes DISC (Deep Inertial Sensory Clustering), a DL-based clustering architecture that automatically labels multi-dimensional inertial signals. In particular, the architecture combines a recurrent AutoEncoder and a clustering criterion to predict unlabelled human activities-related signals. The proposed architecture is evaluated on three publicly available HAR datasets and compared with four well-known end-to-end deep clustering approaches. The experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of DISC on both clustering accuracy and normalized mutual information metrics.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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